Illuminate Your Candle Care

Hush Candle Being Lit

First Lighting

The first time you burn your candle, plan to burn it for approximately two to four hours. Wax has memory. You need to let the top layer of wax completely liquify before blowing it out. Otherwise, your candle will only burn as far as it burned the first time you lit it. People waste a lot of wax and scent by not burning their candle efficiently the first time.

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Candle Care

After every burn, your wick needs to be trimmed. Before you light it the next time, be sure the wax has completely hardened. Hold your candle upside down over a trashcan and using a pair of scissors, trim the wick to approximately a quarter inch so as to ensure that all of the black burned part of the wick is removed. If your wick becomes too burned and inflamed with black residue, it will begin to blacken your jar. If that should happen, not to worry, simply trim your wick back and with a wet paper towel, wipe the inside of your jar. It should be good as new.

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Post Candle

After your wax has burned down to the bottom of the jar, pop your jar in the freezer for a couple of hours. When you take it out, run a sharp knife around the edge of the candle wax and it should easily pop out. If that doesn't work, just stab it in the middle and push down with your knife. The wax should break into pieces. Then pop the jar in the dishwasher and it will come out looking brand new.